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Fiqh Courses

Fiqh Courses
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Al-Qawaa’id Al-Fiqhiyyah is the study of legal maxims in fiqh under which many issues fall and from which rulings can be directly derived. Many of ...
14 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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Usool ul Fiqh is essentially the science of studying the sources and principles of fiqh and understanding how to apply them in order to derive ruli...
17 Lectures
Members only
A righteous and stable family is an essential component of any just society as well as being a condition for one to attain inner peace and tranquil...
18 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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This course is based upon Imam Al-Haafidh ‘Abd al-Ghaniyy al-Maqdasi’s collection of ahaadith found in the Sahih of both Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam M...
19 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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This is a topic which applies to every Muslimah; therefore, it is an essential course to study. Many of the fuqahaa mention that it is obligatory u...
4 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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Man and woman have been created differently – they are physically, psychologically and emotionally different – and these differences have an ...
14 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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Just as a Muslim is expected to live his life according the laws as ordained by Allah,  he is likewise expected to obey these laws following a deat...
19 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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Allaah has laid down laws and legislations which every believer is required to uphold in all aspects of his life. Therefore a servant of Allaah pay...
20 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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This course will cover the essential knowledge of the juristic issues pertaining to the sacred pilgrimage. The conditions, obligations, pillars and...
4 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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Knowing how to do an action is a prerequisite to having the correct intention and performing it correctly. Therefore it is incumbent upon each of u...
3 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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“And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow (in worship and obedience).” [2:43] “Verily, as‑Salaah (the prayer) is enjoined on ...
19 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
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Purification is a condition of salaah. Allaah says, “O you, who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms...
21 Lectures
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Fiqh Courses
Members only
Whenever the scholars begin the subject of Jurisprudence they begin with the topic of purification. Purification of the body from impurities is a p...
27 Lectures
Members only