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Kitab at Tawhid - Part 1

49 Students enrolled
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“Allaah bears witness that none has the right to be worshipped but He, and the Angels, and those having knowledge (also give this witness); established on justice. None has the right to be worshipped but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.” [3:18]
We have not been created for amusement and play but rather Allaah created us to worship Him – this is the purpose of our life. But how can we worship Allaah if we do not know who He is? Many have deviated on the issue of Tawheed and it is therefore of utmost importance that it is clearly understood in the way taught by the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and understood by his companions. Tawheed is the foundation of Islaam on which all other pillars depend. It represents the core message of Islaam conveyed by all the prophets of Allaah: “And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger (saying), ‘Worship Allaah and avoid Taaghoot’” [16:36].

Tawheed is a condition for an action to be accepted by Allaah and a means of protection from the Hellfire: “[O mankind], do not make [as equal] with Allaah another deity, lest you be thrown into Hell, blamed and banished” [17:39]. If a person dies upon it he will enter Paradise and such a state can only be attained through knowledge of Tawheed – the noblest branch of knowledge. Thus, it is the duty of every sincere believer to acquire this knowledge of Tawheed.

In both Part 1 and Part 2 you will learn the following:
– What is our purpose in life?
– What is Tawheed?
– What are the virtues of Tawheed?
– What violates or negates Tawheed?
– Why is it important to worship Allaah alone without associating partners with Him?
– What are the evidences used to establish the correct understanding of Tawheed?
– What is Shirk?
– Where did it originate from?
– What falls under Shirk?
– What does the statement: ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah’ necessitate?
– What are the rulings concerning amulets and incantations?
– What is said regarding Astrology (At-Tanjeem)?
– Is it permissible to have belief in evil omens?
– What is the correct understanding of intercession (shafaa’ah)?
– What is the state of the one who mocks the religion?
– Good magic – is there such a thing in Islaam?
– What is the ruling concerning those who create images?

– What is the ruling regarding those who deny divine predestination (Qadr)?

This course is based on an extremely beneficial book named Kitaab at-Tawheed, authored by the eminent scholar and reformer Shaykh ul-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab (d.1206H), may Allaah have mercy upon him. It is one of the best books on the subject of Tawheed.